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Phoenician Alphabet

Whether we write in French, English, Spanish, hebrew or Arabic, we all write in Phoenician alphabet. This is undoubtedly the most significant contribution by the Phoenician civilization.

The Phoenician alphabet, which is still ours today, was created around 1000 BC. It is no longer represented by sounds or words like the hieroglyphics of Egypt or Mesopotamia cuneiform, but by letters.

Reduced to 22 characters, it is written, like Arabic, from right to left.

It was Rev. Bartholomew who had deciphered in 1758, a

Phoenician Alphabet

Tomb of King Ahiram Sarophagus, about 1000 BC
Has the oldest evidence of the Phoenician alphabet discovered to date.

Phoenician Alphabet

Ancient Egyptian Scripts, A: Hieroglyphs - B: Hieratic
Examples of hieroglyphic, hieratic, and demotic writing.

Phoenician Alphabet

Examples of cuneiform Sumerian-Acadian system.