International Association to Save Tyre | Tyre Foundation
Conduct of the International Campaign

VI. Procedures for the Conduct of the International Campaign

21. The working group, composed of the Permanent Delegate of Lebanon to UNESCO, the Director-General of Lebanese Antiquities, the Secretary-General of the International Association for the Safeguarding of Tyre, the cultural attaché of the Lebanese Delegation to UNESCO, two international experts appointed by the Director-General of UNESCO and a representative of the Director-General, will advise the Director-General of UNESCO and the Lebanese Government on the use to be made of the financial contributions and on all technical matters relating to the international campaign.

22. Subject to the Executive Board's approval, the Director-General will launch a formal appeal for international solidarity and a circular letter will be sent to all Member States and Associate Members, and to non-governmental organizations and institutions concerned, asking them to contribute to the campaign to safeguard Tyre. Their contributions will be paid into the International Campaign Trust Fund that will be set up by UNESCO.

23. To provide financial support for the campaign, the Lebanese Government will, in addition to the promotional activities outlined above, encourage and facilitate, if necessary with UNESCO's assistance, the organization of travelling exhibitions abroad.

24. The possibility will be explored of securing loans from international and regional funding institutions, particularly for urban development schemes.

25. The Lebanese Government will set up a National Committee composed of representatives of the Ministries, governmental organizations and associations concerned by the campaign, and of  representatives of the Municipality of Tyre. This Committee will co-ordinate the contributions made by the various national bodies, and will provide technical and financial assistance for the activities provided for in the  plan of action, in accordance with the recommendations of the working group,

26. The Lebanese Government will appoint an official to co-ordinate the work of the National Committee and organize its meetings. A technical unit, responsible for the administration, organization and execution of the campaign operations, will be set up in Tyre and placed under the authority of a director appointed by the Lebanese Government.

27. In view of the importance for the history of the cultural heritage of mankind of the monuments and relics of the archaeological site of Tyre and its surrounding area, and of the need to launch a programme which will ensure its protection, conservation, restoration and development, the Executive Board may perhaps wish to adopt the following decision:

'The Executive Board, 

- Having examined the report of the Director-General on the project to safeguard the archaeological site of Tyre and its surrounding area with a view to its promotion in the form of an international campaign, in accordance with resolution 11.7 adopted by the General Conference at its twenty-second session,

- Considering the importance of this site for the history and cultural heritage of mankind,

- Having noted that a plan of action for the campaign has been drawn up in agreement with the appropriate Lebanese authorities and has been approved by the Government of Lebanon,


- Authorizes the Director-General, once further studies have been undertaken with a view to costing the projected safeguarding operations, to launch an appeal for international solidarity for the purpose of safeguarding the archaeological site of Tyre and its surrounding area.'

Conduct of the International Campaign